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An employee, who is guilty of one of the following, or similar forms of misconduct, may be given a verbal warning at the first occurrence thereof. The issuing of a severe or written warning may be alternative forms of disciplinary action for misconducts depending on the evidence, circumstances and seriousness of each situation. An employee may even be dismissed for repeated minor forms of misconduct. Each transgression will be dealt with on own merit in all instances. The following are examples of such misconduct:
Absence from the workstation without permission
 Lending money to fellow employees for gain during working hours
 Minor violations relating to the driving and/or cleaning and/or use of the Employer's vehicles
Photocopying documents without permission
Late coming or overstaying in restrooms at tea or lunch breaks
Use of telephones without permission
Throwing refuse and/or any other objects on the floor or out of the windows
 Eating in prohibited areas
Not wearing prescribed clothing/ uniform
Smoking in prohibited areas and/or at prohibited times
Failing or neglecting to advise your employer of your absence
Leaving the department or plant during working hours without permission and/or without an authorised exit   permit
Stopping work or making preparations to leave work (e.g. such as washing up or changing clothes) before the specified quitting time. (Note: time lost will be unpaid in addition to any disciplinary action which may be taken)
Wasting time or loitering in toilets or on company premises during working hours
Failure by drivers to adhere to delivery time sheets without reasonable explanation
Unauthorised meetings
 Placing of notices on notice boards without permission from Management
Removing notices, signs or writing in any form from bulletin boards or any other surface on company property at any time without specified authorisation from Management
Creating or contributing to unsanitary conditions on your employer's premises
Unauthorised soliciting or collecting contributions for any purpose whatsoever on company premises
Disruptive behaviour
Horseplay, scuffling, running or throwing objects at any time on company premises
Causing unnecessary distractions to fellow employees or causing unnecessary confusion in the work place by, inter alia, unnecessary shouting, catcalls or demonstrations of any nature
Making of unnecessary scrap
Gambling, conducting a lottery or any other game of chance on company premises or whilst on duty at any time
Unauthorized operation or interference with company machines, tools or equipment at any time
Climbing over company fences at any time
Failure to produce identity card whilst on company premises or whilst driving or being conveyed in or on a company motor vehicle

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