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Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

In recognition of the significant contribution of private security to loss and crime prevention, as a security officer I pledge:
To accept the responsibilities and fulfill the obligations of my role: protecting life and property; preventing and reducing losses and crimes against my employer’s business, or other organizations and institutions to which I am assigned; upholding the law; and respecting the constitutional rights of all persons.
To conduct myself with honesty and to adhere to the highest moral principles in the performance of my security duties.
To be diligent and dependable in discharging my duties and to uphold at all times the laws, policies and procedures that protect the rights of others.
To observe the precepts of truth, accuracy and discretion without allowing personal feelings, prejudices, and animosities or friendships to influence my judgments.
To report to my supervisor, without hesitation, any violation of the law or of my employer or client’s regulations.
To respect and protect the confidential and privileged information of my employer or client beyond the term of my employment, except where their interests are contrary to law or to this Code of Ethics.
To cooperate with all recognized and responsible law enforcement and government agencies in matters within their jurisdiction.
To accept no commissions, gratuity or other advantage without the knowledge and consent of my employer.
To conduct myself professionally at all times and to perform my duties in a manner that reflects credit upon me, my employer, and the security profession.

To strive continually to improve my performance by seeking training and educational opportunities that will better prepare me for my security duties.

Commitment to Character

Our security officers must be honest, courageous, alert, well-disciplined and loyal. Because our officers are the custodians of company and employee property, the need for honesty is an absolute must. Courtesy and efficiency are essential qualities of a security officer. They are trained to be aware that while performing their protection duties, to also focus on the fact that they are public relations representatives of our organization.
They frequently the first to contact a visitor, customer, vendor, or employee The manner in which the officer deals with a visitor will have a marked positive or negative effect on the initial impression made by our organization. Therefore well believe that well-trained officers who are courteous, act with restraint, and use judgment and common sense can overcome any resistance.

A security officer who is officious or careless in the performance of duties, or otherwise gives a bad impression, can have an adverse effect on the protection program. Our security personnel are told to always follow the client representative’s instructions and that they must always notify their supervisors of the special instructions given by the client

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