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SECTION 1. Scope. The organization, operation, business and activities of private
watchman/security or detective agencies, security training institutions/systems as well as
private security and training personnel shall be governed by these Rules and
Regulations implementing Republic Act 5487, as amended.

SECTION 2. License Necessary.
a. No person shall engage in the business of or act as a private detective
agency or engage in the occupation, calling or employment of security personnel or in
the business of private security/training agency without first having obtained the permit
from the Chief of the Philippine National Police which permit as approved is prerequisite
in obtaining a license certificate.
b. License is likewise necessary for any person operating, managing, directing
or conducting a licensed private security/detective/training agency. Any person having
any participation in the management or operation thereof except those employed solely
for clerical or manual work, shall also secure a license.

SECTION 3. Training Required. All applicants for license certificate shall have
received the appropriate training from any public or private training institution/system
duly recognized by the government to conduct private security or police training.

SECTION 4. Prohibitions. No License certificate shall be granted to any applicant for
license to operate or license to exercise security profession with the following
a. having previous record of any conviction of any crime
b. having previous record of any conviction of any offense involving moral
c. having been dishonorably discharged or separated from employment or
d. being a mental incompetent
e. being a user/addicted to the use of prohibited drugs or narcotics
f. being a habitual drunkard
g. dummy of a foreigner


SECTION 1. Without prejudice to the imposition of criminal sanctions, any violation of
Republic Act 5487, as amended or its rule or regulation, by license grantees likewise
pursuant thereof, shall be punished by suspension, or fine, or cancellation of his or its
license to operate, conduct, direct or manage a private detective, watchman or security
guard agency and all its members, or penalized pursuant to provisions herein under,
and/or with the forfeiture of its bond filed with the Philippine National Police, at the
discretion of the Chief. PNP.

a. Any person not covered by Section 1, Rule II above who commits any act in
violation of Republic Act 5487 as amended and its implementing rules and regulations
shall, on conviction thereof, suffer imprisonment of from ten to fifteen years, and a fine of
not less than ten thousand pesos nor more than fifteen thousand pesos as the Court
may direct.
b. If the violation is committed by those persons mentioned in Section 3b, Rule
IV herein under, the penalty shall be imprisonment ranging from one to four years and a
fine ranging from one to four thousand pesos at the discretion of the Court.
SECTION 3. Expired License. For purposes of enforcing sanctions, any private
security, watchman or company guard force agency or private security or training
personnel upon expiration of their respective license to operate or license to exercise
security profession are considered as not possessing license and shall be held criminally
and administratively liable.
SECTION 1. Definition – For purposes of and when used in these rules and regulations,
the following terms shall be construed in the sense indicated herein unless the context of
a particular section clearly indicates that a different sense is intended:
a. Person – shall include not only natural but also juridical persons such as
single proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, companies or
associations, duly organized and registered with the Securities and
Exchange Commission and/or the Department of Trade and Industry.
b. Private Security Services – shall include the act of providing or rendering
services to watch an establishment whether public or private, building,
compound/area or property, to conduct access control/denial in any form
whether physically, manually or scientifically by electronic monitoring
systems, for the purpose of securing such area/property and at the same
time ensuring safety and protection of persons within such areas, to maintain
peace and order within such areas, to conduct private security training,
and/or to conduct investigation. It shall also include the act of contracting,
recruiting, training, furnishing or posting any security guard, to do its
functions or solicit individuals, businesses, firms, or private, public or
government-owned or controlled corporations to engage his/its service or
those of his/its security guards, for hire, commission or compensation thru
subscription or as a consultant/trainer to any private or public corporation.
c. Private Detective Services – shall include among others the act of providing
personal security protection, inquiry and information gathering, preemployment
verification and individual background profiling, providing
assistance in civil liability and personal injury cases, insurance claims and
fraud, child custody and protection cases, for the purpose of assisting in
gathering information leading to determination and/or prevention of criminal
acts and/or resolution of legal, financial and personal problems.
d. Private Security Industry – shall cover those in the legitimate business of
providing private security and detective services.
e. Private Security Guard (SG) – sometimes called private security guard or
watchman shall include any person who offers or renders personal service to
watch or secure either a residence, business establishment, or buildings,
compounds, areas, or property, inspects/monitors bodily checks/searches
individuals and/or baggage and other forms of security inspection, physically/
manually or scientifically electronic, including but not limited to, logging
concessions and agricultural, mining or pasture lands, transportation, for hire
or compensation , or as an employee thereof, including any employee of the
national or local governments or agencies or instrumentality’s thereof and or
government owned or controlled firm or corporations who is employed to
watch or secure government buildings, compounds, premises and other
properties, other than members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
guards of the Bureau of Jail management and Penology, Municipal or City
jail guards, and members of the Philippine National Police or of any other law
enforcement agency of the Government.
f. Private Detective (PD) – shall mean any person who does detective work for
hire, reward or commission, other than members of the Armed Forces of the
Philippines, guards of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology,
municipal or city jail guards, and members of the Philippine National Police
or of any other law enforcement agency of the government.
g. Private Security Personnel – shall be natural persons which include private
security guards, private detectives, security consultants, security officers and
others that may be classified later, rendering/performing security and/or
detective services as employed by private security agencies and/or private
h. Government Security Personnel – shall be natural persons which include
government security guards, detectives, security consultants, security
officers and others that may be classified later, except those of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines, Philippine National Police, Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology, Municipal or City Jail guards
rendering/performing security and/or detective services as employed by
government entities.
i. Private Security Agency (PSA) – shall mean any person association,
partnership, firm or private corporation, who contracts, recruits, trains,
furnishes or posts any security guard, to perform its functions or solicit
individuals, businesses, firms, or private, public or government-owned or
controlled corporations to engage his/its service or those of his/its security
guards, for hire, commission or compensation thru subscription or as a
consultant/trainer to any private or public corporation whose business or
transactions involve national security or interest like the operation and/or
management of domestic or ocean vessels, airplanes, helicopters, seaports,
airports heliports, landing strips etc., or as consultant on any security related
matter, or to provide highly specialized security, detective and investigation
services like gangway security, catering security, passenger profiling,
baggage examination, providing security on board vessels or aircraft, or
other security needs that PNP SAGSD may approve.
j. Private Detective Agency (PDA) – shall mean any person association,
partnership, firm or private corporation, who contracts, recruits, trains,
furnishes or posts any private detective, to perform its functions or solicit
individuals, businesses, firms, or private, public or government-owned or
controlled corporations to engage his/its service or those of his/its detectives,
for hire, commission or compensation thru subscription or as a
consultant/trainer to any private or public corporation or as consultant on any
detective related matter, or to provide highly specialized detective and
investigation services, or other detective needs that SAGSD-CSG may
k. License to Exercise Profession – shall mean any document issued by the
Chief, Philippine National Police or his duly authorized representative
recognizing a person to be qualified to perform his duties as private security
or training personnel.
l. License to Operate (LTO) – is a License Certificate document, issued by the
Chief, Philippine National Police or his duly authorized representative,
authorizing a person to engage in employing security guard or detective, or a
juridical person to establish, engage, direct, manage or operate an individual
or a private detective agency or private security agency/company security
force after payment of the prescribed dues or fees as provided in these
Rules and Regulations.
m. Company Guard Force (CGF) – a security force maintained and operated by
any private company/corporation utilizing any of its employees to watch,
secure or guard its business establishment premises, compound or
n. Government Guard Unit (GGU) – a security unit maintained and operated by
any government entity other than military or police, which is established and
maintained for the purpose of securing the office or compound and/or
extension of such government entity.
o. PNP as used herein shall mean the Philippine National Police, which was
organized pursuant to the provision of RA 6975 otherwise known as the
National Police Act of 1991.
p. SAGSD as used herein shall refer to the current PNP Civil Security Group
Security Agency and Guard Supervision Division or any other PNP Office
that may be designated later as the primary office for supervision of the
implementation of these rules and regulations.
q. PADPAO refers to the Philippines Association of Detective and Protective
Agency Operators, Inc., which is an association of all licensed security
agencies and company security forces.
r. Duty Detail Order is a written order/schedule issued by a superior officer
usually the private security agency/branch manager or operations officer
assigning the performance of private security/detective services duties.

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