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1.0       PURPOSE

1.1               To define guidelines for the recruitment and hiring of qualified PSIS personnel.
1.2               To document PSIS compliance with security personnel qualification requirements as set down in RA 5487.

2.0        SCOPE

This procedure covers recruitment and hiring activities for available positions within PSIS, from sourcing of applicants to sign-up of new employees.

3.0               DEFINITIONS

3.1      Applicant – an individual who files an applicant for employment/posting through PSIS.

3.2      Walk-in application – an application for employment/posting filed with PSIS without reference to a specific request or advertisement.

1.3            PIMS – computerized Personnel Information Management System in place at HRD, into which applicant/employee details are entered and stored.

1.4            SOSIA -  (Security Office for Security & Investigation Agency) of the Philippine National Police.

1.5            License – Private Security License or License Certificateissued by SOSIA to individuals who have passed the qualification requirements defined in RA 5487.

1.6            SBR – Special Bank Receeipt covering payment for processing of License, which serves as a temporary License Certificate prior to issuance of the regular License.

1.7            Certification of Authenticity – certification issued by SOSIA and signed by its authorized approving parties, which attests to the validity of an individual’s License.


            4.1        Sourcing

4.1.1     Upon receipt of personnel requirements from the requesting department,
 HRD    will compile a list of applicants taken from any of the following.

a.        Responses to newspaper/internet advertisements
b.       Schools’ list of graduates
c.       ROTC reserves
d.       PIMS data banks
e.       Employee recommendations

4.1.2   Relativesof PSIS employees up to the fifith degree of consanguinity shall not be considered for employment by the agency without the Chairman’s prior approval.

4.1.3     Walk-in apllications shall be pocessed further depending on PSIS’s personnel needs.

4.1.4     HRD shall select candidates for short list based on required qualifications,experience and/orapplicant potential.  Short listed applicants shall be contacted via telephone,mail or email for preliminary interview.

4.2        Preliminary Interview

4.2.1     The applicant shall submit the following to HRD in support of his application:

                        a.  Completed Applicationfor Employment Form
                        b.  Requireddocumentsasspecifiedin Exhibit 1

4.2.2     HRD shall prepare a Recruitment Processing Slip to monitor application  status.

4.2.3     HRD shall verify the completeness of submitted documents.  Documents not submitted shall be indicated on the Recruitment Processing Slip.

4.2.4     An application with incomplete supporting documents shall not be processed further by HRD until missing documents are provided.  If missing documents are not provided within fifteen (15) days of such advice from HRD, the application shall be rejected.

4.2.5     Initial interview shall be conducted by HRD Staff/Clerk to gauge the applicant’s level of experience, qualifications and suitability for employment/posting.

4.2.6     An English comprehension and writing test shall be administered to all applicants.  In addition, appropriate psychological and skill-specific examiniationsshall, be given by HRD depending on position applied for. B Examiniation results shall be evaluated by HRD and documented on the Recruitment Processing Slip.

4.2.7     Applicant’s submitted information and results of preliminary interview shall be entered in PIMS.

4. 3       Special Requirements

            4.3.1     For SG/SO/SSo/I applications:

a.       The applicant should meet the following minimum requirements for height and age:

      Male:                Height – 5’7”; Age – 21 to 40 years old
      Female :           Height – 5’4”, Age – 20 to 30 years old

b.       If the applicant’s re-applying for employment with PSIS, HRD shall verify his service record as found in PIMS.

1.       If the applicant’slast employment with the Agency was over eighteen (18) months earlier, he/she shall undergo complete physical and psychological retesting.

2.       The applicant’s reason for leaving the Agency during his/her previous period of employment/posting shall be taken into consideration during the evaluation process.

3.       Any major offense committed during previous tenure with PSIS shall lead to the applicant’s rejection.

c.       In additionto document verification under Item 4.2.3, the applicant’s License and SBR shall be examined by I {RD as defined in Authentication Procedure.  The applicant shall be rejected if the authentication process shows that his  License and/or SBR have been falsified.

d.       Further to Item 4.2.3, HRD shall require the applicant to obtain the following documents from PSIS-accredited clinics and institutions:

1.       Medica lClearance
2.       Neuro-Psychological Examination Results
3.       Drug Test Result

Adverse findings or signs of tampering/falsificationin any of the above shall lead to the applicant’s rejection.

e.       If formerly employed as a security/military/police capacity, the applicant should present either or both of following documents:

1.       Agency Clearance – if previously employed by another security firm.
2.       Certificateof Honorable Discharge – if formerly serving in the military or police forces. Inability to submit these documents where required shall lead to the applicant’s rejection.

            4.3.2     For SG applicants only:

                        HRD shall verify completeness of applicant’s uniform and paraphernelia as prescribed in Sections 1 through 4, Rule VI of RA 5487.  The applicant must present complete uniform and paraphernelia beforehisapplication can be processed further.

            4.4        Initial Background Investigation.
4.4.1     An applicant who has passed all relevant requirements under Sections 4.2 and 4.3 shall be subjected to initial background investigation by HRD.

           4.4.2     HRD shall contact the applicant’s character references and former
employees via telephone to inquire into his personal, family, education and professional history.  Negative findingsgathered, particularly on issues of integrity and honesty, shall lead to the applicant’s rejection.

4.4.3     Results of initial background investigation shall be indicated in the Recruitment Processing Slip.

4.4.4     If necessary, a comprehensive inquiry shall be made as given in Detailed Background Investigation.

4.5      Interviews

4.5.1     An applicant found to have met all criteria, including relevant special requirements, and who has passed the initial and/or detailed background investigation shall undergo the following interviews to further ascertain suitability for employment:

a.       For SG applicants

Type                                                           Interview

Second interview                                         HR Staff/Office Manager
Third interview                                             ADMIN Officer
Final interview                                             Security Director

b.       For Staff/Officer applicants

Type                                                           Interview
Second  interview                                        HRD Officer/Manager
Third interview                                             AO, requesting department’s                                                                                                 authorized representative/Manager         
Final interview                                             Security Director

                        4.5.2     Each interview shall indicate comments/findings on the Recruitment
                                    Processing Slip.

                        4.5.3     All interview results shall be entered into PIMS by HRD.

4.6        Hiring

                        4.6.1     An applicant who passes all interviews shall be deemed suitable foremployment.
4.6.2     The approved Recruitment Processing Slip and application documents shall form part of the successful applicant’s 201 file.

4.6.3     HRD shall prepare the following, as appropriate, to document hiring of the successful applicant:

a.       Employment Contract & Addendum, Certificate of Waiver and Application for Group Life Insurance (to be duly witnessed and dated by HRD Manager)
b.       Appointment Memo/Special Order ( for SGs)
c.       Personnel Action Memo (for Staff/SOs/Officers)
d.       Signature cardsfor ATM account
e.       Identification Card

4.6.4     The successfull applicant shall sign the relevant document to indicate conformance to PSIS’s employment terms and conditions as stated therein, andto formalize his status as a new employee.

                        4.6.5     HRD shall familiarize the new employees with PSIS’s rules and
                                    regulations,and shall endorse him to the requesting department for
                                      discussion of specific duties and responsibilities.


5.1        SED -   shall have overall responsibility for implementation of this procedure.

5.2        HRD – shall be responsible for sourcing and screening of applicants, verification of supporting credentials, monitoring of application status,         
preparation of employment documents, conduct of initial orientation and endorsement of new employees to requesting departments.
5.3        Requesting Department – shall be responsible for defining personnel Requirements and coordinating with HRD regarding the suitability!  Qualification of applicants.

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